Although I was taken aback by many of the horrific and unimaginable events that Mr. Wiesel witnessed and experienced I was more impressed with his ability to remain "whole." I now understand why this book would be shared with high school students. This book is shocking and awful yet it exemplifies how the human spirit can overcome adversity, something students can relate to on various levels.
I hate to say that I enjoyed reading "Night" because it's unimaginable to think of the events that unfolded, but I did. I take away hope, faith, and optimism from within the pages of "Night."
Tracy, I understand what you mean. It's an awful subject to read about, but it also teaches us something about our own power to overcome...and, as I recall, about both the horror and kindness that can come out in experiences like this. I told you my story of my first experience with this book...I think it's one that students need to be ready for (I wasn't in 7th grade). But as a high school text, I think it is really powerful. I'm so glad you were able to read a book that your son enjoyed, too.